Endodontic Treatment (root canal referrals)

Nerve (pulp) tissue is located within the centre of each tooth and provides sensation to the teeth. However, when this nerve tissue becomes damaged toothache and infection can develop. In this event, a root canal treatment may be indicated. A root canal treatment involves accessing and removing this nerve tissue with special instruments. The root canal is thoroughly cleaned and filled with an inert restorative material. Root canals are minute in
diameter and are quite difficult to access. Therefore, root canal treatment can be demanding and awkward to carry out. In some instances, several appointments may be required.

There is a wide variety in complexity regarding different root canal treatments. Molar teeth are particularly difficult to treat because they have 3 or 4 root canals per tooth. Other features such as curved roots, inaccessible tooth positioning and narrow canals can further complicate matters.

We use some of the latest technology at DDC

  • Microscope magnification
  • Rotary and reciprocating shaping systems
  • Warm vertical obturation
  • Digital radiography
  • Bioceramics


Whether you can have a root canal procedure depends on the condition of your tooth and the recommendation of your dentist. Root canals are typically recommended when the pulp of a tooth becomes infected or inflamed due to decay, trauma, or other factors. Your dentist will assess your oral health and determine if a root canal is the appropriate treatment for you.

What is the procedure? The root canal procedure typically involves the following steps:

  • X-ray and examination: Your dentist will take an X-ray of the affected tooth and perform a thorough examination to assess the extent of the infection or damage.
  • Anesthesia: Local anesthesia is administered to numb the area around the tooth, ensuring you remain comfortable during the procedure.
  • Accessing the pulp: Your dentist will create an opening in the crown of the tooth to access the infected or inflamed pulp.
  • Cleaning and shaping the canals: The dentist will use special instruments to remove the infected tissue and clean and shape the root canals.
  • Filling the canals: Once the canals are cleaned and shaped, they are filled with a biocompatible material called gutta-percha to seal them and prevent reinfection.
  • Restoration: After the root canal is completed, the tooth is usually restored with a filling or crown to strengthen and protect it.
With proper care, a tooth that has undergone a root canal procedure can last a lifetime. However, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices, such as brushing and flossing regularly, to prevent further decay or damage to the tooth. Additionally, routine dental check-ups are necessary to monitor the health of the treated tooth and address any issues promptly.

To maintain the success of a root canal treatment, it’s crucial to practice good oral hygiene habits, including brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing daily, and using fluoride toothpaste. Avoid chewing on hard foods or objects that could damage the restored tooth, and schedule regular dental check-ups for professional cleanings and exams.